Young Woo - Anna's Boy (1994, Richmond)

Rap de l'État intouchable comme Eliot Ness.

Young Woo - Anna's Boy (1994, Richmond)

Message par Amonraa187 le 27 Déc 2006, 16:38

released on power play records in bacc 1994.
good album...don't know if he has any otha releases...
12 traccz.

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Gold Rider
Message(s) : 260
Inscription : 19 Déc 2006, 02:00
Localisation : South Central - Hoover Blocc

Young Woo - Anna's Boy (1994, Richmond)



Message par G-Ro le 28 Déc 2006, 07:32

yeah good album, not tight but some clean cuts with mobb beats.
he got tracks and few features produced by g-man stan later but no full lps.
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Diamond Rider
Message(s) : 1152
Inscription : 14 Jan 2006, 17:40

Message par DJxRemarkable le 03 Jan 2007, 07:27

anybody have this cd for sale?
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Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 13
Inscription : 01 Jan 2007, 00:09
Localisation : Bay Area, Cali

Message par OGM le 07 Jan 2007, 22:46

^^^ i don't think so,although you're ready to put money... :p
it's became a rare one,SMG released...

like,G-Ro has said,good lp.
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Way 2 Bling-Bling Rider
Message(s) : 4545
Inscription : 28 Déc 2005, 20:08
Localisation : 4-20-Trece Boi$$6-R

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