Need help w/ Darkside EP & Double D scans...

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Need help w/ Darkside EP & Double D scans...

Message par R8R le 13 Fév 2008, 21:59

If anyone could please help I'm looking for some clean scans (300 dpi if possible) of the inserts to "The Darkside EP"(bothsides of booklet & tray liner) & "Double D - Think About It"(front side of booklet). L-wood & I are working on a mix and it would be much much appreciated. I can hit you w/ something in return. Please send to ...any questions let me know. Thanks in advance!
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Need help w/ Darkside EP & Double D scans...



Message par Kicket le 14 Fév 2008, 15:43

sorry bro', as far as i'm concerned i can't help you on that... maybe our "Bay Addicts" such as G-Ro, Jeserlecter, Mr. Bay Area & so on will have what you lookin' for...

anyway, hey please reduce your signature, c'mon we ain't on the Siccness board here, ahahahah... :lol:
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Message par R8R le 14 Fév 2008, 17:55

lol, sorry bout that, set it up when i signed up and never fixed it....Thanks for the reply. Hopefully we can find this soon. Im def. looking to buy these cause they are some must haves in anyones collection. I just cant beleive I never picked them up when they dropped....
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Message par LBC4ever le 15 Fév 2008, 08:41

hi, I have the darkside EP in cd format, I will give you the scan this afternoon! :)
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Message par OGM le 15 Fév 2008, 19:00

^^ I've got the Double D one, but can't scan at the moment...sorry man
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Message par R8R le 20 Fév 2008, 19:34

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