A.T.C. - IV Da Nonebelievers (1992, Frisco)

Rap de l'État intouchable comme Eliot Ness.

A.T.C. - IV Da Nonebelievers (1992, Frisco)

Message par Amonraa187 le 21 Déc 2006, 23:30

released in 1992 on straight black records...
i use ta have thiz album..but i've sold it on e-bay 2 yearz ago...

Hip-hop trio from Hunter's Point San Fransisco, A.T.C. pushed a single and an E.P. that was distributed through the west coast independent label Macola Records. Upcoming Bay Area rapper Paris establishes his earliest production sound with the group on their cuts as well as housing them on his grassroots label Scarface Records.


i also have All too critical album from 1996...


A.T.C. - Flow tracc:

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Gold Rider
Message(s) : 260
Inscription : 19 Déc 2006, 02:00
Localisation : South Central - Hoover Blocc

A.T.C. - IV Da Nonebelievers (1992, Frisco)



Message par DJxRemarkable le 03 Jan 2007, 07:25

this release also came out on vinyl.

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Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 13
Inscription : 01 Jan 2007, 00:09
Localisation : Bay Area, Cali

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