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E. Fields - HandleBars (2009, Oakland)

Message Publié : 13 Fév 2010, 16:47
par Kicket
damn, la Bay avec ses 17 sorties par jour en ce moment, c'est quand même la folie... j'vais réorganiser le forum en "Southern Cali" et "Northern Cali" si ça continue, lol... :lol:

donc parmi elles, yen a une qui mérite qu'on s'y arrête et, sauf zappage de ma part, j'ai pas l'impression qu'on en ait encore parlé...


ptit bio in english, ceux qui entravent que la VF, demandez, on vous traduira :

E. Fields (Eryc Parnell Fields II), is a rapper/songwriter from Oakland, CA. He is the son of 1980's soul/funk legend Richard "Dimples" Fields, who in 1982 sold over 1 million copies of his LP "Mr. Look So Good", due in part to the success of the number 1 r&b hit "If It Ain't 1 Thing, It's Another". Aside from his career as a musician, E. Fields is also involved in several business ventures, including Game Related Records, for which he not only records, but is also president/CEO. "My pops used to tell a story about when he was just starting out in the music business," says Fields. "He said he got tired of waiting to be discovered by a major record company, so he decided he'd discover himself and release his music independently. He started his own record label, DRK (Dat Richfield Kat), and the rest is history. I chose to follow in those same footsteps." In 2009, Fields became Game Related's flag-ship artist with the release of his critically acclaimed, full-length debut album "HandleBars". Notable songs include the hits, "Spend Some Time" "How I'm Livin'" "My Name Ring Bells" and "Am I A Player?". It is currently available online at and at all bay-area Rasputin's. At press time, Fields is hard at work on his sophomore cd, tentatively titled "Golden Gate Fields", scheduled for release in early 2010 on Game Related Records.

son Myspace :

le site de son label Game Related Records :

les snippets sur CD Baby :

et 2 full tracks sur Southern Hospitality produites par le crew Honor Roll, avec sur l'une d'elles, tiens tiens, un certain J. Stalin en feat :

franchement ça glisse tout seul, assez cool et mélodieux dans l'ensemble, avec cette touche "mobb shit on est dans la Yay quoi oublie pas !" tant appréciée par beaucoup ici...

Re: E. Fields - HandleBars (2009, Oakland)

Message Publié : 13 Fév 2010, 20:32
par Bouli
Connais pas, mais rien que le fait que ce soit le fiston de Richard "Dimples" Fields est :shock: