The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Rap de l'État intouchable comme Eliot Ness.

Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Cortez le 21 Juin 2009, 01:47

The Untouchable a écrit:la track m'endort moi

Sors donc de ce topic, et change d'avatar en passant, steplait :oops:
and i'm not cocky, i'm confident
so when you tell me I'm the best, it's a compliment
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)



Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par The Untouchable le 21 Juin 2009, 02:05

je ne donne que mon avis perso en meme temps mais comme jai dit jai pas écouté avec du matos opé c'est sur des ptites enceintes faut je grave le skeude ecoute sa a laise posé et pour le moment jreste sur mes paroles on vera si sa change dans le futur
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The Untouchable
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Rushkoff le 22 Juin 2009, 07:49

Après une première écoute, cela défonce pas mal en effet. Il n'y a jamais trop de featurings quand on voit du AP. 9; Mistah FAB ou Cellski.
La nostalgie
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par ANU le 23 Juin 2009, 00:37

je parlais plutot de mec comme planet asia ou les zion i
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par antianti le 27 Juin 2009, 11:27

le morceau avec devin est bon...mais ils sont comme ils disent "ignorant" quand tu entends ce que la voix samplé dit en français...çà n'a rien de sexuel...dommage
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Lord Fatine le 05 Juil 2009, 11:32

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Lord Fatine
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Bay Rydah le 09 Juil 2009, 23:37

la version du clip c'est pas la bonne faut s'attendre a une version complete bientot
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Bay Rydah
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Mazar le 14 Juil 2009, 15:46

shiiiiiiiiiiiit wont be right ca tourne trop

When I die bury me butt naked and face down in the grass, so I can fuck the world while ya'll kiss my ass
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Dogg Ly Dogg le 14 Juil 2009, 19:27

Pareil, "Won't Be Right" c'est ma préférée de l'album, Album qui tue et qui pour une fois ne fait pas regretter la longue attente..
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Dogg Ly Dogg
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par ze0n le 14 Juil 2009, 19:43

The Jacka, l'artiste de l'année quoi !

Vous avez vu le dernier ( et enieme de l'année au passage ) clip dans lequel il apparait avec Ampichino et cie ???

Bref ce mec est productif, et ce qu'il fait est de qualité. Mon préféré des Mob Figaz juste après ce crazy ass de AP9 8)

Comme quoi, merci à C-Bo de nous avoir droper cette team magique de dude ya quelques années :mrgreen:
Jackpot !
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Lord Fatine le 14 Juil 2009, 19:48

LF a écrit:Berner & Ampichino feat the Jacka & Leo Da Vet - Fam first

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Lord Fatine
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par ze0n le 14 Juil 2009, 19:50

LF premier sur la vimeo, blaow !
Jackpot !
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Lord Fatine le 23 Juil 2009, 23:20

Une interview de Jacka
Part 1
Part 2
vue sur sur
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Lord Fatine
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par S@ït@M le 24 Juil 2009, 12:42

LF me parlait de cet album depuis un bout de temps et je dois dire que j'suis étonnament surpris de la qualité de ce skeud, il tourne dans la gova depuis deux jours mais j'attends de bien le saigner pour donner un avis... à la première écoute j'aime bien "summer" +1 pour kicket :wink:
she said she wanted me to eat the pussy but i think i'll pass ...
so get your ass up you funky bitch and wash your ass...
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Lord Fatine le 26 Juil 2009, 12:33

Ozone Mag a écrit:Tha Jacka/Tear Gas
With high expectations for this album, Tha Jacka does not disappoint.
Perhaps the most commercially viable album in his catalog, if not the most
mainstream-ready album out of the Bay in years, Jacka finds that balance
between his graphic street novels and radio-friendly jams. The only drawback
to this album could be Jacka’s anxiousness to work with everybody within
email’s reach. While the flooding of cameos rarely overshadows his presence,
it would be nice to hear how he sounds by himself. - Maurice G. Garland

Ozone Mag a écrit:Words by Maurice G. Garland

It’s been a long time since the Bay had an artist who put out an album that
could appeal to everyone. With his latest album, Tear Gas, Tha Jacka made
every attempt, phone call and song that he could to let the world know an
artist from the Bay can reach past the Mountain Time Zone. So far the album
has been lauded as both a great piece of work and a blatant effort to get
more fans. As he sat at an airport waiting to catch a flight to Portland, Oregon for a
show, Tha Jacka spoke with us about the inspiration and actions behind Tear
Gas, his Muslim faith and the reason major labels are afraid to sign
independent Bay Area artists.

Now that the album is out, what kind of feedback have you been getting?
The first response is that the people loved it, but then after that people
didn’t know what they were listening to. After weeks went past I started
getting a lot of great responses. People have been telling me it’s really
quality material. I didn’t get any real input at first when it came out, but
now after it’s been out for a while people are speaking up.

As good as people are saying the album is, some are saying that the only
flaw is that you have too many features. Do you still feel comfortable with
your decision to go that route?
Yeah, and it’s an independent album and it did real good, that what makes it
special. So I think it was a good decision. The people I got on there, most
people do a radio song with them. But I let them do what they felt like
doing. We gotta do what we feel sometimes. It’s about making good music. I
think people appreciated that.

Your first single “All On Me” isn’t something that people would expect from
you, based off your past catalog. What went into your decision to make that
When I did that song, I ain’t know it was gonna be on the album. I did that
just to promote me or what I had out at the time. I didn’t expect it to make
the album. It wasn’t a song for Tear Gas off top. Yeah, that song seemed to be on the other end of the spectrum of the message
your album cover and art puts out. The images were very alarming. Why did
you choose to go that direction?
At the time we did that, even now, there was like a war between the police
and the minorities. It was like the youth against the police. Out here in
the Bay Area when the police mistreat someone, we really go out and protest,
we really go hard. The Oscar Grant situation might have triggered all of
that. Then someone in Oakland knocked down five police officers, that’s what
the inside cover was taken from. We’re just tired of this shit, we’re not
going out like that. When something happens, we’re going to riot for what’s
right. We’re used to this out here. And the reason why I’m on the cover with
nothing on my face is that I’m saying I’m immune to the gas. I don’t need a
mask. Rioting, activism, independence, and survival are all things that come to
mind when you think of people from Oakland. All the way from the Black
Panther Party up to the Too $horts and E-40s. Do you think such strong
traits are what has kept the Bay from getting back on the radar of major
companies and labels?
Yeah, I think it’s kind of scary to some labels to have artists like “us.” A
lot of us are independent, and you gotta do whatever it takes to get your
album out, if you know what I mean. So yeah, it scares them away sometimes.
We don’t have a major label here [in the Bay] but people love the music.
They don’t mind that it’s independent. But I can see why labels don’t rush
to do something with Bay artists.

It’s been said that wanting to stay so close to home cripples some Bay Area
artists and the movement in general. Do you agree? What is your approach?
I like going out. I think it’s better going out. An artist like myself, my
music doesn’t even appeal to the Bay sometimes. I don’t get the majority of
my sales from the Bay. I prefer to be gone and getting known and building
relationships, following the footsteps E-40, Too $hort and C-Bo laid out for
us. They go to Detroit, Denver, Oklahoma City, Kansas City. We’re trying to
piggyback off that. We hit Arizona, the whole West Coast and the Midwest.
But we don’t go to the South a lot. I know C-Bo used to go to the South all
the time and that’s why he had a fanbase there. But the South has come up
and [created] their own identity and they’ve been supporting their own. You
gotta let them do their thing. You can’t force feed niggas your music. When
you get something they like, cool. That’s why I did the song with Devin the
Dude and Paul Wall. Throughout your music, you make it known that you are Muslim. Some may find
that hard to swallow, given some of the material that you rap about.
Well, I talk about that to wake the youth up, or people that don’t have a
faith. We were all raised in the church, except for the people who missed
out because of the crack era. I talk about my faith because it’s more than
just rap now. I do get a lot of compliments for adding that into my music.
Some people have even told me they’ve become Muslim from listening to my
music. I don’t even hit them with the bars as much as I want to. Sometimes I
want to do more of that. I don’t just want to leave my listeners out there
lost. I remember Beanie Sigel told me one time, “You don’t want to be
Haram,” which pretty much means “bad” in Islam. You want your music to leave
a good legacy. Your fellow Mob Figa Husalah is out of prison now. I’m sure a lot of people
want to know if they will be getting some more Mob Figaz music.
We’re working on that right now. Hus got a new single out. It’s a good start
to getting us back together, because the people really want it. I want
things to get to back to how they were, but he can only get out 2 hours a
day and he’s got a family. We’ve all got kids now. It sucks that we can’t be
around him the way we want to. Just getting caught up in the lifestyle, it
messes me up a little bit. But I’m happy that we at least have him home now.
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Lord Fatine
Untouchable Rider (Moderator)
Message(s) : 4298
Inscription : 18 Juin 2007, 20:09
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Raphas le 01 Août 2009, 15:00

Attendu depuis bien longtemps , l'album est bon, très bon, et je trouve très varié au niveau des productions. Il a bien choisi les invités par rapport aux prods. Seul petit reproche il n'ya pas vraiment de sons uptempo et puis c un poil en dessous de Jack artist.
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Lord Fatine le 06 Août 2009, 11:35

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Lord Fatine
Untouchable Rider (Moderator)
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Inscription : 18 Juin 2007, 20:09
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Lord Fatine le 20 Août 2009, 21:43

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Lord Fatine
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Inscription : 18 Juin 2007, 20:09
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Lord Fatine le 21 Août 2009, 14:46

Exclusive !!!
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Lord Fatine
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Inscription : 18 Juin 2007, 20:09
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par NicoBax le 21 Août 2009, 15:02

Je supporte vraiment pas la voix du Jacka mais Nickatina, toujours autant la classe. Trop court son passage bordel !

Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Lord Fatine le 27 Sep 2009, 16:36

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Lord Fatine
Untouchable Rider (Moderator)
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Inscription : 18 Juin 2007, 20:09
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Bay Rydah le 12 Oct 2009, 05:04

pour ceux qui ont kiffé le clip de "Glamorous Lifestyle" voici la video a download pour l'ipod ou iphone :D
thanks to Legend Gary from Thizz Nation
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Bay Rydah
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Lord Fatine le 26 Nov 2009, 19:09

Don’t think this will be an “official” album like Jack Artist or Tear Gas but something more like Jack Of All Trades…but that’s a guess. Here’s the press release :

It was announced this week that top selling Bay area artist The Jacka
is set to release another solo album of original material entitled “Broad Daylight” on the Berkeley-based label Town Records.

Jack is currently riding high on the success of his latest album Tear Gas (released last June) which charted as high as #3 on Billboard. Videos for the albums singles “Glamorous Lifestyle” and “All Over Me” are currently in regular rotation on MTV jams and adding to what is adding up to be the biggest buzz for any Bay area rap artist in recent memory.

Broad Daylight is another step on the road to notoriety for Jacka as the artist continues to provide fans with what they love him for, quality unorthodox street music, while also showcasing his continuing desire to collab with new relevant artists on big singles such as “Please Don’t Go”, which features prominent Oakland rapper Kafani (their first song together), hot young songstress Netta Brielle on the hook, and a new Bay artist B-Town MAC.

Town Records, most known for the Knock 4 tha Block series (released in October) says they feel very fortunate to be a part of this album, “We’ve known Jack for a long time and had always planned on working together at some point. We are very happy that instance turned out to be the Broad Daylight album.” A representative from the label said earlier today.

Broad Daylight is due out next month. For more information visit

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Lord Fatine
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Inscription : 18 Juin 2007, 20:09
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par The Untouchable le 26 Nov 2009, 19:51

si il est comem tear gas sa sera sans soucis dans mes oreilles mais ce qui me fait peur c'est l'enchainement de sortis comme ça..
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The Untouchable
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Re: The Jacka - Tear Gas (2009, Pittsburg)

Message par Lord Fatine le 27 Nov 2009, 13:30

Décidemment, le 28 novembre est une date particulièrement bien fournie en GROS son :

Southern Hospitality a écrit:The Jacka & Yukmouth (of The Luniz) are performing LIVE @ Q Club, Birmingham - Saturday night! First ever UK show!


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Lord Fatine
Untouchable Rider (Moderator)
Message(s) : 4298
Inscription : 18 Juin 2007, 20:09
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