EvenODDS (Frisco)

Rap de l'État intouchable comme Eliot Ness.

EvenODDS (Frisco)

Message par Lord Fatine le 06 Mai 2010, 15:58


Un duo composé de D.E.O. & M.A.


Sortie ces jours-ci d'une mixtape album (que des prods inédites) :


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EvenODDS feat Big Rich - Gettin' money all day

Présentation du duo :

Une interview :
mtvu.com a écrit:The Hot Seat: Evenodds
Posted April 27th, 2009 by mtvU


San Francisco hip-hop duo Evenodds sits down in mtvU’s Hot Seat this week and answers our burning questions.

1. Tell us about your craziest touring experience.
D.E.O.: LOL.. Right now we’re on the Big Rich “Ballin Tour”.. And we did an 18+ event in our city (SF). The show was going great, but the promoter made us wait soooo long to perform, it was about 1 AM when we hit the stage. We got mid-way into the set, and “Gettin Money All Day” was next. And AS SOON AS the song song started a HUGE fight broke out right behind us. About 8 dudes jump on one cat that was a lil too drunk. Basically tho, we waited 3 hours to perform and when we was about to, that fight broke out and it got shut down!

2. What type of college class would you’d most want to take and why?
D.E.O.: When we were in HS, M-A and I always wanted to go to Berklee School of Music in Boston. We were in the school bands in Middle School and High School, and we wanted to continue that course along with rapping. But the rapping picked up more and was looking more than a dream. I also wanted to Minor in Psych.

3. What city in America is the most fun to visit and why?
D.E.O.: Frisco of course! Aint nothing like the bay fareal.. The culture. People. Everything. But San Francisco alone has a lot rich history.. The Music. Angel Island and the WW2 days. Alcatraz. Alotta crazy things happened out here..

4. What’s some of the best advice you were ever given?
D.E.O.: God helps those who helps themselves. Nuff said!

5. What’s in heavy rotation in your MP3/CD player right now?
D.E.O.: Big Rich Heart of the City
EVENODDS Respect The Hustle 3
San Quinn The Rock and Boy To A Man

6. The last good book you read or TV show you’re addicted to.
D.E.O.: Russell Simmons Do You, Kevin Liles Make It Happen, and 48 Laws by Robert Greene. As for TV? Don’t really watch much. Unless its MTV Jams or sumthin.. Lol

7. What’s the first concert you ever saw - how was it?
D.E.O.: EMINEM “Anger Management” in Mountainview.. The highlight was of course EM, but I really enjoyed seeing The Xecutioners.. The DJ group.. What ever happened to them?
M-A: I’m a big fan of Outkast! And I got a chance to see them perform in my neighborhood @ the Fillmore. Back in the Stankonia days.. Historical place where Santana, Grateful Dead and other greats performed. 3000 knows how to rock a crowd!

8. What are three items you can’t live without on tour?
D.E.O.: Money. Sidekick. Mobile studio.
M-A: MPC 1000. Laptop. And Money. I can do without the phone. D.E.O. can’t stay off his. Lol

9. Who are your major musical influences?
D.E.O.: My middle school band teacher Jack Martens. He brought out skills in me I never knew I had. San Quinn played a huge part in my life because he was an ordinary kid from SF that was just biting heads off lyrically! He’s years ahead of me, but I studied him the most. And my cousin Cougnut (RIP) from IMP got me to write my 1st verse when I was 9.
M-A: My father in the music heavy! He’s a pretty successful Reggae musician. He got me into the arts of music.

Any random messages or tips you’d like to give to mtvU watchers?
Evenodds: Follow us on twitter! Lol /DEO415 and /moneyalwayz.
We put a lot into the content of our music. And some of it needs visuals to explain the point furthermore. So to those who were confused about the “Gettin Money All Day” video, the moral was, if you lead a reckless life it can only end one way! Destruction. We’re from where are youth are headed for self destruction. SO us as semi-icons need to set examples. So before you right it off as a “typical rap video”, think out side the box for a sec. Shout out to Yomi!

Click to see the ImageBandcamp : http://lordfatine.bandcamp.com
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Lord Fatine
Untouchable Rider (Moderator)
Message(s) : 4298
Inscription : 18 Juin 2007, 20:09
Localisation : 7.8

EvenODDS (Frisco)



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