XL Middleton (Pasadena)

Rap de l'État intouchable comme Eliot Ness.

Message par L-Dave le 09 Jan 2006, 00:29

waouuuh...si c est elle, ça l a niquée l adolescence :lol:
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Message par Perico le 09 Jan 2006, 00:46

et oui c'est elle, pondre un gosse ça amène des changements! 8)
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Message par Havikk le 12 Jan 2006, 21:24

sa c une bonne nouvelle jesper ke kikect tu va nous gerer un arrivage de cet album!
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Message par Havikk le 12 Jan 2006, 21:28

Seno a écrit:"where is brian ? .....brian is in the kitchen ! " it's an umbrelllllllllllllla !!!
sorry for this french blagounette ok ok :arrow:

pas mal sa seno je voi ke té dans ton meilleur en ce moment
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Message par OGKim le 17 Jan 2006, 07:18

Kicket a écrit:yup, Big Saccs formerly known as Dazzie Dee from Da Lench Mob!!!

and about that "Happy" track, well Bumpus and Saccs co-produced it... at least that's what Saccs told me, but maybe i'm getting confused on this issue, lol, i won't say i'm 100% sure... could you confirm XL?? (or i'll ask Saccs again, lol)

big sacc aka dazzy dee member of the notorious rollin hundred nhood rippin' on 106 blocc sc la... he is a west coast pioneer ...than talkin about xl his album was bangin with traccs like i feel so west coast ...much respect for xl ...my name is ogk from the south paris sw projects i grew up in california in a hood actually known as the dirty south, its locate between kelly park and spook town in the city of compton i grew up there but never really banged ,and also i never did time while in compton. i moved young and as far as street credibility i would let the south project of paris 13 do the talkin ..i am currently rappin in an album name southcide ''from the cradle to the grave ''.and would like to give xl midleton some mAD ASS PROPS FOR KEEPIN IT FUNKY ...
SC13 alfred 13 en paix .jean michel 13 en paix
scan warrior .en paix momo asnay en paix .man asnay en paix .jeckel 13 en paix .arna 13 en paix .joker 13 en paix .pascal warrior en paix .suga quik repose en paix !!!!
bg rambo simone 13 en paix
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Message par Kicket le 18 Jan 2006, 02:45

Brand new XL's single from his forthcoming album... produced by Bumpus... shit is a banger, fo sho!!!!!
Cash Out
for more info, peep the CCE website : here

(and thx for adding the 187 Prod website to your links, eheh)
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XL Middleton & Crown City Entertainment (Pasadena)

Message par XL Middleton le 18 Jan 2006, 07:39

Yes sir we're back at it again...

Crown City Entertainment is proud to present the new XL Middleton song "Cash Out" produced by Sean Leonard aka Bumpus...its a real cool, uptempo track directly inspired by some of the electrofunk greats of the 80's like Morris Day & The Time, Prince, Cameo, & The Gap Band. It's the first single from the new album 100 Proof Music: The Alcothology which is dropping Feb. 28th, 2006...so go ahead and download it for free but after u do, hit us up and leave some feedback!!! Enjoy...

Click below to download "Cash Out":

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XL Middleton
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Localisation : Pasadena, California

Message par SViT le 18 Jan 2006, 13:31

Thanks XL for this $hit, very tight song, Good Work Homie.
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Message par OGM le 18 Jan 2006, 15:37

Thank you XL for droppin'here your single!
Bumpus' done a nice track,your flow is tight as usual...i feel this one! :)
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Message par Westhug le 18 Jan 2006, 17:09

damn, i love the track it's banging !!! i love the one produced my mistamil too (bring him here lol). Good work
"J'm'appelle pas Herbert. Inspecteur Frank Lewden. Mes amis m'appellent Frank, toi tu peux m'appeller Inspecteur Lewden"
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Message par Young Venom le 18 Jan 2006, 17:16

definitly down wit it
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Young Venom
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Message par Don Giu le 18 Jan 2006, 17:24

thanks for the song XL, it's very good :wink:
Don Giu
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Message par Kicket le 18 Jan 2006, 17:37

lol, i've already linked to your track on the album topic!!!!
but its cool to see you're doin' your own promo work like a grown man, ahahahahah... just kiddin'... :lol: :wink:
anyway, "Cash Out" is a banger... can't wait for the album... 8)
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Message par XL Middleton le 19 Jan 2006, 01:24

big thanks 2 everyone on this forum especially Kicket for makin this crack....yall are the business!!!!!
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XL Middleton
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Localisation : Pasadena, California

Message par Mr Ice Storm le 20 Jan 2006, 18:53

thx xl fo' droppin' ya shit, excellent prod, good flow!! 8)
''R.E.P Papa"
"Dead Enz Kidz Doin' Lifetime Bidz"

Myspace Mr Ice Storm
Myspace Soldats De La Paix
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Message par Havikk le 05 Fév 2006, 19:51

oh yeah xl great song you have posted here!
we wait for this new album
peace see you on myspace :wink:

Hit Combo dispo prepar ton biff!
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Message par Kicket le 09 Mars 2006, 01:50

bon j'remonte le topic car j'ai reçu le carton de 40 exemplaires de l'album hier (du coup feu vert pour ceux qui voulaient passer commande !!!)... je me le suis écouté 3, 4 fois depuis et franchement j'suis content... content de pas être déçu par cet album vraiment opé dans l'ensemble... 8) :D

en vrai, ya que "Square Off" et "Yall Don't Feel Me" que j'accroche pas du tout... tentatives pas tip top inspirées de beats "west fashion 2k6" je trouve...

tout le reste est homogène, ya une vraie "identité" commune à tous les sons mais sans que l'écoute globale tombe dans le monotone... mes coups d'coeur "à chaud" : #1, #3, #5, #7, #8, #10 et bien sûr la #9, "Cash Out".

bon maintenant, "ze" question : est-ce que "100 Proof Music" surclasse "Music 4 A Drunken Evening" ?? sérieux là je sais pas, si ça m'apparait pas flagrant dès les premiers feelings, c'est que non, je présume... m'enfin only time will tell, comme on dit... il est encore un peu trop tôt pour tirer des conclusions trop définitives...

en tout cas, une chose est sûre, XL a vraiment bonifié son flow... qui n'a jamais été et ne sera jamais je pense un flow "technique" de ouf... mais il a un timbre de voix et un phrasé qui glissent vraiment facilement, pas saoûlants à suivre sur la longueur... ces ptits délires aux refrains touchent généralement assez juste...

et question prod, il n'est jamais aussi à l'aise que lorsqu'il vise dans la direction "compos laidbacks "west" un peu cliché, pas forcément renversantes d'originalité mais ô combien efficaces"... c'est vraiment son jardin ça...

en résumé, c'est propre et fait sans prétention sinon fournir une heure de bon ptit "westcoast" comme on l'aime, certes pas vénèr, mais qui coule assurément tout seul, dans son salon ou dans sa caisse, lol... rien que ça, en 2006 (pour moi aussi jouer mon Francis Cabrel du G-Rap, lol), bah ça mérite d'être applaudi... :wink:

hey XL, if you read this post, don't trip!! i'm just letting people know how i feel about the album after a few quick listenings... as i told you, overall it's all gooooooood, eheh...
oh and by the way, THX A LOT for the shoutout!! it's much appreciated!! :wink:
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Message par ze0n le 09 Mars 2006, 02:10

oué ca ma bien plu les extraits de cet alboum ! Ca fait plaizir de voir des sorties comme ca je pense que je v m'en pécho dans la semaine
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Message par Trickistik Prod le 09 Mars 2006, 18:33

Moi ossi G vraiment kiffé les 1er extrait!!
Et la jattend mon exemplaire ki devrai arriV tt droit de the kiket's house!!!!!!!!!! 8) lol
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Trickistik Prod
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Message par Trickistik Prod le 23 Mars 2006, 17:12

Ca yes il est enfin arrivé!!!!
Ca faisait un moment ke jattendai ce skeude et franchement pas du tt decu!! Jpense kil riske meme de tourné un pti moment dan mon poste :wink:
Pour résumé en trouve un XL exactement ou on lattendait...on s'lasse pas du tt tt o long de l'album (en meme tps jvien dl'écouté.... :D lol). Les prod sont dans le style bien G-Funk com dab.
Bref, a se procuré sans ésité :wink:
Pr le coup de coeur de l'album sur s'coup la je suis Kicket : Cash Out est terrrrrible :!:
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Trickistik Prod
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Message par Kicket le 19 Avr 2006, 12:02

XL Middleton a écrit:ok, i got some more audio for yall...this one comes to you from Pasadena heavyweights Scipio, S-Dee, & Gr8 Dane. Its called "My Only Weapon" and it was produced by Hugh Heff for Bigg Beatz, Inc. Interesting story about this track: S-Dee & Gr8 Dane really caught Scipio in traffic here in Dena and they went to the studio on the spot and recorded the song, like how they were talking about on the song's intro...anyway, download it and drop some feedback if you get the chance...

http://www.crowncityentertainment.com/a ... weapon.mp3

Also, Gr8 Dane will be releasing his next project, "The Big DOG Album" through Crown City Entertainment so we'll keep you posted on that.

XL Middleton a écrit:yes sir....

we're proud to be dropping the second single from XL Middleton's upcoming album "100 Proof Music: The Alcothology"...this one is called "Only Way 2 Chill" and it was produced by XL himself. The girl singing the hook is Tasha who does the hooks for many of Foesum's records. This song is definitely on the more laidback tip, something perfect for your Friday night on the town or your Sunday BBQ...so download it and feel free to spread it around, then drop some feedback when you're done!!!

http://www.crowncityentertainment.com/a ... 2chill.mp3


XL Middleton a écrit:Okay....

I got one more free download for yall, this one is called "Yall Dont Feel Me"...this one is a little bit of a departure from what i been doing with the west coast laidback smooth electro funk sound, but i think yall will dig this one just the same...its from the new album "100 Proof Music: The Alcothology" which is out today at www.crowncityentertainment.com and it will be available from www.towerrecords.com very soon as well...to all those who pre-ordered the album thanks for the support, hope yall get your copies cause theyre moving fast!!!!

http://www.crowncityentertainment.com/a ... feelme.mp3



It's been a minute since we last heard from Bo$$, no doubt a lotta yall recently got that 11 track download that was put up here a few months back. Well since then none other than yours tipsy XL Middleton has gotten down with the LA native to drop a few gems, "Dont Trip" which is a sure-fire mixtape banger, and "Bottom Line" featuring CCE's Black & Mild which is definitely more of an albumworthy record. So the question is, what role will XL and Crown City Ent. play in the actual release of Bo$$'s upcoming mixtape project? Yes, you guessed it, this is more than just a one time collaboration, as XL has officially taken on the project and is expected to drop it this summer. Now, before any rumors get to swirling, Bo$$ is still rolling with Hustlehouse so this will be a joint effort...Regardless you can expect some big things now that one of the West's hottest young spitters has linked up with the West's drunkest producer.

"Don't Trip":


"Bottom Line" feat. Black & Mild:

Dernière édition par Kicket le 19 Avr 2006, 12:16, édité 1 fois.
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Message par Kicket le 19 Avr 2006, 12:12

MistaMil a écrit:Goodness gracious!! Another classic from those hooligan slackers!! This one is called "Is That You" (produced by MistaMil, yes ME!!) and will be featured on XL & 1stBorn's The Angry Asians Album. Hope you all enjoy!! ...

"Is That You" - XL Middleton & 1stBorn (prod. by MistaMil)

You can check out more shiznit and free weekly downloads here ...

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Message par Kicket le 19 Avr 2006, 12:14

hey XL, i created a special topic for all your CCE's free downloads, whether they're from your official artists or your close affiliates... it'll be simpler to put everything in the same place, nawmean?? so the free tracks don't get lost in the midst of the 187 Forum, ahah... :wink:
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Message par Kicket le 24 Avr 2006, 15:29

that "Is That You" track is definitely a banger, whoa !!! :shock: :shock: :D
i'm gonna play it tonight in the show...
who's that Mike Anthony dude singing the hook, btw??
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Message par Kletcher le 24 Avr 2006, 19:24

+1 Kicket
oulah c'est quoi cette tuerie :shock:
ça fait 10 fois que je la repasse, j'arrive plus a décrocher !!
nan mais sérieux le flow de Xl accrocheur comme pas possible :shock:
definitly a classik, damn !
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