#011 (2008-05-21) -- Guest: Darren "Digital D" Harris

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#011 (2008-05-21) -- Guest: Darren "Digital D" Harris

Message par Ya Boy Black Ice le 16 Mai 2008, 03:43

This week on The YBBI Show we talk to Darren "Digital D" Harris, legendary sound engineer of Richmond CA. "Digital D" was an engineer at the legendary recording studio "Starlight Sounds" of Richmond CA, where he enginneered and mixed many classic songs including the tracks below:

Kiss You Back - Digital Underground - Sons of the P - 1991
Get around - TuPac f. Digital Underground - Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z. - 1991

Young Black Male - 2Pac - 2pacalypse Now - 1991
Side Show - 415 - 41Fivin - 1991 (co-produced)
Groupie Ass Bitch - 415 - 41Fivin - 1991 (co-produced)
Suicide - Po Black Citizen (Ya Boy Black Ice & Poetry) - The Po Black Citizen Tape - 1991
Dip To The Beat - Po Black Citizen (Ya Boy Black Ice & Poetry) - The Po Black Citizen Tape - 1991
I Got 5 On It - Luniz - Operation Stackola - 1995
What They Do - The Roots - Illadephia Half Life - 1996
Let's Ride - Richie Rich - Seasoned Veteran - 1996
Do G's Get To Go To Heaven? - Richie Rich - Seasoned Veteran - 1996
It Iz Whut It Iz (Album) - Rinnessy - 2008
and many more

We discuss the above tracks, back stories, the importance of a good sound engineer, how Richmond and Starlight Sound factor into late 80's and early 90's mainstream music; also Bay music at the turn of the century.

Check this out. It is a good read:
Shock G (aka Humpty Hump) of Digital Underground discusses the making of "I Get Around" in his memoirs. The story features Darrin and 2pac of course. Read the excerpt on his myspace blog. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... =331978690
Listen to the YBBI show. We got some good BA shit you have never heard.


YBBI - 5.0 REASONS - 10th Anniversary CD (1998 - 2008)
Same Classic Album + 4 unreleased Bay Area G-Funk Tracks
187 Prod Online Store

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Ya Boy Black Ice
Silver Rider
Message(s) : 161
Inscription : 13 Oct 2007, 09:24
Localisation : 41510 Richmond, CA, USA

#011 (2008-05-21) -- Guest: Darren "Digital D" Harris



Re: #011 (2008-05-21) -- Guest: Darren "Digital D" Harris

Message par Kicket le 16 Mai 2008, 09:54

whoa!!! i'm sure this one's gonna be dope!! can't wait to listen to those back stories, eheh...

don't hesitate to post about the show in the music topics (ones related to 2Pac, Digital Underground, etc.), cause you know how lazy asses can be, if you don't come to them, they don't come to you, lol... and i'm sure there's a lot of them that don't even know about this section!! :roll: :lol:
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Ultimate Rider (Admin)
Message(s) : 9127
Inscription : 24 Déc 2005, 17:53
Localisation : Courbish


Message par Kicket le 31 Mai 2008, 17:52

mise à jour concernant le podcast >>> désormais disponible à l'écoute et en téléchargement ici.

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Ultimate Rider (Admin)
Message(s) : 9127
Inscription : 24 Déc 2005, 17:53
Localisation : Courbish

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