décès du fils de Dr. Dre

Rap de l'État intouchable comme Eliot Ness.

décès du fils de Dr. Dre

Message par Tony57 le 28 Août 2008, 14:38

"Dr. Dre's son was found dead at his home in Woodland Hills on Saturday morning, according to reports. He was only 20 years old.

Andre Young Jr. was found when his mother went to check on him around 10AM after he had come home around 5:30AM. She found him to be unresponsive and rang 911 but the young man was pronounced dead on the scene.

The cause of death is unknown, pending completion of a toxicology report, but foul play is not suspected."

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Diamond Rider
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Inscription : 26 Déc 2005, 23:45

décès du fils de Dr. Dre



Re: décès du fils de Dr. Dre

Message par DxZ-86 le 28 Août 2008, 22:02

Ca fait déjà deux jours non ?
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Re: décès du fils de Dr. Dre

Message par Kicket le 29 Août 2008, 18:14

la news complète sur http://www.undergroundhiphop.com

Rap impresario Dr. Dre's 20-year-old son was found dead over the weekend in his Woodland Hills home, coroner's officials said.

Andre R. Young Jr. had been out with friends the night before and was discovered in his bed by his mother at 10:24 a.m. Saturday, Los Angeles County coroner's spokesman Ed Winter said.

"She found him unresponsive and called paramedics," Winter said, adding that an autopsy had been completed but that determination of the cause of death was deferred pending the outcome of a "gamut of tests, including toxicology."

Dre issued a statement via his publicist on his son's untimely passing. "Dr. Dre is mourning the loss of his son Andre Young Jr. Please respect his family's grief and privacy at this time".

Young Jr. was the subject of a paternity dispute in 1990 when his mother, Jenita Porter, filed a lawsuit against Dr. Dre in Orange County Superior Court, seeking $5,000-a-month child support. She said in the suit that although Young promised to support their then 2-year-old son before his birth, she had received only a small amount of cash, a few gifts and diapers during their four-year relationship. In a legal answer to the suit, Dr. Dre, who was 25 at the time, admitted being the father of the child but said he promised to pay only $500 a month in support.

In recent months, Dr. Dre had been at work on his self-proclaimed final album, Detox, one of the most eagerly awaited rap records of the decade.

c'est moche quand même... :?
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Re: décès du fils de Dr. Dre

Message par Vinz le 31 Août 2008, 12:10

il mort de quoi ?
et a quel age ,svp ?
Quelqun roule en 600 GSR par hazard ?
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Re: décès du fils de Dr. Dre

Message par $tr8 le 31 Août 2008, 12:30

il avait 8 mois et d'une conjonctivite chronique (r-i-p)
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Re: décès du fils de Dr. Dre

Message par The Untouchable le 31 Août 2008, 18:02

Kicket a écrit:la news complète sur http://www.undergroundhiphop.com

Rap impresario Dr. Dre's 20-year-old son was found dead over the weekend in his Woodland Hills home, coroner's officials said.

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The Untouchable
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Re: décès du fils de Dr. Dre

Message par Fizzle le 01 Sep 2008, 04:34

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Way 2 Bling-Bling Rider
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Re: décès du fils de Dr. Dre

Message par NKD le 15 Sep 2008, 14:05

C bien hood surgeon qu on voit au fond derriere le cercueil ?

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