Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Rap de l'État intouchable comme Eliot Ness.

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Ricco le 28 Sep 2009, 17:40

On va l'appeler Warren Gay si ça continue...... :evil:
To all the tricks and them bitches
who suck on the dick occasionally
the scarecrow i love all you hoes
who be really playin the dick so sensationally
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Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)



Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Lord Fatine le 08 Oct 2009, 16:06

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Lord Fatine
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Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par CaliReprezent le 08 Oct 2009, 16:13

A priori, le 213 vont ressortir un album dédié à Nate Dogg...
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Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par oxted le 18 Oct 2009, 10:03

on est loin du warren g comme j'ai dit l'argent a pouri le milieu

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Lord Fatine le 17 Nov 2009, 12:57

Crucial Conflict join Warren G on stage for his 11.13.09 Chicago concert. Cold Hard and Kilo steal the show.

G Funk Era Legend Warren G, Hits Chicago as part of his tour for his newly released album "The G Files" Warren G brings out a Special Guest Crucial Conflict to bring a little Chicago into his set.

Click to see the ImageBandcamp : http://lordfatine.bandcamp.com
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Lord Fatine
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Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par SpacedCb le 21 Nov 2009, 16:17

Haha,, en fait finalement il est pas si mauvais même si on est loin de l'ambiance des nineties. C'est du son de réssoi quoi :mrgreen: Il glisse bien par moment. Je l'écouterai pas en boucle non plus.
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Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Lord Fatine le 25 Nov 2009, 22:48

Click to see the ImageBandcamp : http://lordfatine.bandcamp.com
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Lord Fatine
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Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par GCHILD le 30 Nov 2009, 19:38

jai vu sur itunes store le CD du 213 live in las vegas , quelqu'un saurait si il ya un DVD ??? :?: :?:
svp dites moi oui !
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Inscription : 20 Nov 2009, 11:43

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Jeserlecter le 01 Déc 2009, 14:25

J'avoue n'avoir pas specialement été fan de warren g en dehors de l'album regulate (et twinz), mais pour l'avoir vu en 95 (ou 94)... et quand je vois ces video de live c'est tout simplement enorme (surtout la 2eme)!!
J'ai meme l'original que depuis 3-4ans...
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Inscription : 29 Déc 2005, 23:52

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Daggo le 02 Déc 2009, 10:45

c'était en 95 puis en 97 au Zénith, j'y étais aux deux :roll:
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Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par red-one le 02 Déc 2009, 10:55

Putain mec si t'a la seconde video en bonne qualité upload la silteplait !
je l'ai vu une fois sur mtv chui devenu ouf avec les guitarre rock et tou y'avait rien de tel que regulate avec Tha Twinz pour cloturer un concert de warren, y'avait pas à dire il avait assurer !
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Inscription : 29 Oct 2009, 21:00

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par red-one le 02 Déc 2009, 10:56

Daggo a écrit:c'était en 95 puis en 97 au Zénith, j'y étais aux deux :roll:

on reconait les Anciens....enfoiré !!!
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Inscription : 29 Oct 2009, 21:00

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Jeserlecter le 03 Déc 2009, 09:53

En 95 c'etait sur Lyon pour moi!!
je vais faire un peu de hs
J'avais aussi des extrait de video de snoop en live dans des emissions, facon acoustique, petite basse, un batteur et un clavier... ca dechirait tout autant! l'epque ou internet etant pas democratisé, les mecs etaient bligeaient de bouger leur cul pour la promotion`Toujours dans la meme periode, y'avait eu un reportage sur le song californien, de memoire, entre autres avec avec george clinton, warren g chez lui, avec son studio et ses bagnoles, parlant vachement de musique, explquant qu'il faisaient souvent rejouer les boucle qu'il samplait par des musiciens! bref qui montrait que le rap (surtout en californie) c'etait de la vrai musique! loin des clichés habitels

Peut etre aussi pour cela que les mecs font autant de playback de nos jours! (chanter sur les morceaux comme j'ai pu lire sur bone thug, en fait partie) plus vraiment besoin e faire de la reel promo, quels clips sur youtube, un myspace, facebook, et ta promo tu l'as...

A quand des concert a la up&smoke tour, master P, personnelement, je prefererais claquer meme du 80e et voir une vrai convert, avec un vrai show, de vrai musicos... que d'en claque 30 pour voir des mecs bourrés faire du playback!
dernier ricains vu sur scene, public enemy... terribles
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Inscription : 29 Déc 2005, 23:52

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par The Untouchable le 03 Déc 2009, 10:04

Poto si tu as le petit documentaire tu pourrai me
le filer??
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Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par GCHILD le 03 Déc 2009, 13:37

en effet si tavais un lien ca serait interessant !
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Inscription : 20 Nov 2009, 11:43

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Jeserlecter le 03 Déc 2009, 19:51

Non malheureusement, ce ne sont que des souvenir, c'etait surement passé sur Arte je pense!
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Inscription : 29 Déc 2005, 23:52

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par The Untouchable le 03 Déc 2009, 20:14

je vais aller faire un tour su le site arté voir si y a moyen de maté sa
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The Untouchable
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Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par GCHILD le 03 Déc 2009, 20:36

tiens moi au courant stp
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Inscription : 20 Nov 2009, 11:43

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par The Untouchable le 03 Déc 2009, 21:59

Pas trouvé...
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The Untouchable
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Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par LE CORNIAUD le 04 Déc 2009, 17:51

T'es sur que c'est pas sur M6? PTDR :lol: :lol: :lol:

Peut etre sur RAPLINE d'Olivier cachin dans les années 80 :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dernière édition par LE CORNIAUD le 04 Déc 2009, 23:13, édité 1 fois.
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Inscription : 18 Sep 2009, 11:06

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Bouli le 04 Déc 2009, 21:11

Jeserlecter a écrit:J'avais aussi des extrait de video de snoop en live dans des emissions, facon acoustique, petite basse, un batteur et un clavier... ca dechirait tout autant! l'epque ou internet etant pas democratisé, les mecs etaient bligeaient de bouger leur cul pour la promotion

ya pas vraiment de rapport la entre un live acoustique et la promotion internet. les lives acoustiques dont tu parles ca vient de Saturday Night Live, Snoop y a ete, 2pac aussi et c'etait du lourd. et bon a ce que je sache internet ca a pas altere la diffusion de tels programmes.

je suis d'accord sinon pour la qualite acoustique du G-Funk et a l'ouest mais ca je crois que personne va le nier ici. par contre j'ai ete choque quand j'ai parle avec pas mal de fans de east ou de non-inities de voir que beaucoup considerent rap avec musiciens = the roots = chiants, alors que certains adorent confunkshun qui viennent de Vallejo et dont certains musiciens ont pose sur des musiques west. mais bon je me suis rendu compte au fil des annees que beaucoup font encore beaucoup de raccourcis sur la musique "west coast" (j'aime pas trop ce terme mais les gens comprennent ce que je veux dire) et beaucoup refusent d'admettre ou tout simplement ignore son influence alors que c'est les premiers a dire fo sheezy...
Oui, je suis communiste et un marxiste en plus, et je t'emmerde gros con, barres-toi fasciste pourri impuissant à la solde du patronnariat, et de l'impérialisme yankee. Casses-toi de chez moi gros porc, sale boche pourri va vendre ta lessive.
Untouchable Rider (Moderator)
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Inscription : 27 Déc 2005, 21:44

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Jeserlecter le 05 Déc 2009, 13:13

Je sais pas Bouli, tu a peut etre raison pour les lives dans les emissions, mais il est tellement facile de se reposer sur la promo net de nos jours! tu me parles de snoop et 2 pac... mais la ca date deja d'il y'a 10 ans..
y'a t'il encore regulierement des concerts, petites scenes rap dans les quartiers, mjc, fetes d'étés? j'en ai aucune idée!

Y'avait le film David Chapelle, sur le concert avec kayne west, roots... et franchement musicalement, y'avait du lourd! Public Enemy, pareil, meme NTM ont joué avec des musicos lors de leur dernieres tournées!
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Inscription : 29 Déc 2005, 23:52

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Lord Fatine le 19 Fév 2010, 19:04

Interview de Warren-G pour Ozone Magazine :
As the West Coast continues trying to find a new identity that isn’t somehow connected to the extended N.W.A family tree, Warren G finds himself trying to slide back in. Although he’s been active, a lot of people aren’t aware of his new projects. With The G Files (his second independent album since 2005) out right now, Warren is faced with several choices: rapper or producer, independent or major. But if there’s one thing that isn’t up for debate, iT’s his loyalty to the west coast and good music. Ozone caught up with Warren to get his thoughtS on the new direction he’s taking his career, the state of West Coast Hip Hop, and why people forget that he helped save Def Jam in the 90s.

Let us know what you’re up to nowadays.
I have an independent album called The G Files out right now. I’m just testing the independent game, seeing how it is, and how I can work in it. It’s got a lot of great people on there like Snoop, Travis Barker, Nate Dogg, and Raekwon. I’ve got a bunch of new artist on the bubble too, so I’m just working on that. Other than that I’m doing my production, getting my beats stacked up so I can press play on the industry and get people back into Warren G the producer as well as the artist.

Are you doing that to clear up the perception of you? Some people looked at you as producer first and rapper second.
I did it all from the gate. As far as people thinking I’m more of a rapper than producer, I’m cool with it. I’m happy with people looking at me like that. But I’m a multiple artist, so I produce, rap and write. That’s just what happened when I started doing my thing. I’m trying to re-establish myself as a producer right now, that’s my main focus. That’s what the industry has wanted from me. I never stopped though. I’ve been in the studio grinding out beats for people to pick up.

What direction are you going with your production?
Everything I do is G-Funk. I’m just into producing great music. I try to make singles. I just do good music. Music that’s hood, but still appeals to the world. I want the world to love the sound. I try to make hit records, constantly.

What made you want to go the independent route?
Because a lot of guys I know that are independent were like, “The independent’s get all the money.” You get what you work for. With a major, you get 35 cents [per record]. Independent you can get $5 to $8 a record. I was trying it out. It’s cool, but you have to surround yourself with the right people to push yourself independently. I’m thinking if I do another record, I might do it on a major so people know it’s out there. Independently I’ve done all the promo I can do, but the world doesn’t know it’s there. I’m getting back into my production. I like scoring and music supervision.

I did the music for this TV show on BET called Harlem Heights. That was my tester, and they loved it. As far as film, most of the records you’ve heard from me were made for movies I had in mind. So beyond that, I’m trying to get into sounds. If they need a fart, I’m trying to put the fart in. I’m a DJ, so I know how to place and blend things so they sound right.

How do you feel about the current soundscape of West Coast music?
We ain’t really got nobody besides Snoop out right now. It ain’t really nothing out from the West right now. I can’t really speak on it. I couldn’t tell you right now. But I do know when Dre drops Detox it’s gonna open up the new talent. It’s just hard to make the West like it was before because we don’t have any outlets. Snoop is the head of Priority Records now, so we’ll see how that goes. I’m trying to get a position too, so I can let this West Coast talent be heard.

Why do you think that is?
It’s the industry. You got a lot of people here that’s heads of the company who ain’t from here and don’t understand what we do. I was told by a person that my record was too West Coast. How the fuck am I too West Coast? I do me. I make Warren G songs for everybody. So when you got people thinking like that, of course you ain’t gonna get no talent out here. These people can’t speak for the fans, and the fans actually want that. They want that old West Coast sound because the shit that’s coming out these days sounds like some electro shit. We need this real shit back cracking.

How can we get music from everywhere heard everywhere though?
A lot of it has to do with the DJs. The music was controlled by radio and DJs, so we have to start supporting. People are getting paid for playing records. We should get back to the love and the paycheck is gonna come. Radio and DJs have to understand, when you don’t play the records, we don’t get paid. This is how we survive and send [our] kids to college. This is our job. So when you tell an artist you can’t play their record, you’re crushing their whole world. People need to get back to doing it for the love. I get major love in Atlanta and New York, but when I come back home to L.A., we’ve only got West Coast Wednesday. How come the West Coast only gets Wednesdays in L.A.? When I went to NYC to let people know I was in town they wouldn’t let me get on the radio station to tell people. And I’m a guy that brought you tons of music. I’ve done a lot for Def Jam and New York, working with Russell Simmons, Lyor Cohen and Kevin Liles. When Def Jam was down, I saved the day. There should always be love there. They should never tell me I can’t get on [the radio]. And the Program Director was from California, that’s what made it even crazier.

Now that I’m independent, I see what the process is. A lot of the people I helped get into positions with major companies are like, “Fuck you Warren, thank you, we cool. I don’t owe you nothing.” And that’s fucked up. I’ve busted my ass, told companies that if you fire so-and-so, you might as well drop me. That’s fucked up. That’s why I’m not mad at dudes like Suge loc’ing up on these industry people.

Despite your affiliations, we’ve never heard you do a lot of banging on wax like some of your peers. Why is that?
I’ve got kids, so I can’t be on record talking about I’m cripping. I don’t want my kids saying I was a gangbanger. I want them saying, “My dad has been around the world and made great records.” I’m grown and sexy now. I still appeal to people, I ain’t old and shabby-faced. I ain’t in my 40s yet, but the ladies still like me. I just can’t do the gangbang thing on my music. I’ve got two daughters and three boys.

We know you’ve been doing a lot for the community lately. Do they still have Warren G Week in Long Beach?
I was just named as the face for all the Boys & Girls Clubs in Long Beach. I got a certificate from the district for the good I’ve done. That was big for me. They still have Warren G Week in the summer, but in the winter I go to the homeless shelters and pass out stuff to the homeless. They’re good people, they just get in bad positions when nobody wants to hire them.

How is Nate Dogg doing these days?
I’m going to see him this week. He’s in therapy. We’re trying to get him back up. He had two strokes; a lot of people don’t survive from that. We’re keeping him in our prayers and trying to get him back right, and that’s all we can do. It hurts because that’s my dawg. I do a dedication to him every time I perform to let my good vibes and prayers get out to the Lord for him to get better. But it’s a part of life we have to deal with. So I have to keep myself up and healthy.

Lastly, since Dr. Dre is your brother, are you privy to any Detox information?
The stuff I’ve heard was dope. When he drops it, he’s gonna change the game as far as the music. I couldn’t tell you how far along he is or if it’s finished. I really don’t know what he’s doing right this minute, but I know he’s gonna put the record out. I do know it’s coming out this year.
Click to see the ImageBandcamp : http://lordfatine.bandcamp.com
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Lord Fatine
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Inscription : 18 Juin 2007, 20:09
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Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par GCHILD le 24 Fév 2010, 00:09

appel aux connaisseurs , Warren G - Productions & Rare Tracks Vol.1
serait-ce genre:

certains doivent rire, mais si une cave avait ce cru , pm :wink:
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Bronze Rider
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Inscription : 20 Nov 2009, 11:43

Re: Warren G - The G-Files (2009, Long Beach)

Message par Dogg Ly Dogg le 03 Mars 2010, 20:02

Moi perso le 1er avril je serais là

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