Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Rap de l'État intouchable comme Eliot Ness.

Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par G-Ro le 29 Mars 2010, 14:22

Bouli et Kletcher, je vous rejoins sur les dires de MAC... c'est fort possible que lui ou Sean-T (surtout Sean-T en fait hein) est apporté quelque chose à G-Man Stan, maintenant à le lire, on a l'impression que tout ce qui est sorti des studios Find-A-Way, c'est du MAC ou de la copie de MAC... même s'il y a des similitudes (plus ou moins évidentes), MAC il a "jamais sonné" comme G-Man Stan, Sean-T pareil, idem pour Blackjack, chacun a une identité musicale qui lui est propre... le Westbound est produit/sorti en 95, "Ain't No Love" de Pooh-Man en 94 et le style de G-Man Stan était déjà bien en place dessus... alors que MAC...
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)



Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par GizoFizo le 29 Mars 2010, 16:16

:shock: :shock: NON mais je rêve ou quoi un truc pareil pas sortie non mais c'est pas permis il faut qu'ils fassent quelque chose pour sortir ça ils ont pas le droit de laisser mourrir un truc pareil :evil: :evil:
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Gold Rider
Message(s) : 404
Inscription : 05 Nov 2006, 14:03
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Cali G le 29 Mars 2010, 22:16

INCROYABLE cet album !!! merci G-ro pour le lien je vais le saigné looooool quelle clake serieux je suis on fire :D
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Cali G
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par ze0n le 30 Mars 2010, 02:51

Monday Trhu Sunday :shock: :shock: :shock:
Jackpot !
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Untouchable Rider (Moderator)
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par GizoFizo le 30 Mars 2010, 09:44

Mon quinté dans l'ordre d'apparition 4-7-10-12-15 c'est tous simplement magique de réentendre cette vibe de nos jours. G-Ro merci une nouvelle fois pour cette découverte comme qui dirai "il est content rosco" :P bref, malgré mes 34 printemps un vrai gosse devant ce type de nouvelle !!!

PS: si y a une personne qui arrive a récup, inutile de dire que je suis client, merci d'avance.
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Gold Rider
Message(s) : 404
Inscription : 05 Nov 2006, 14:03
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Thomas le 06 Mai 2010, 21:14

Gold Rider
Message(s) : 471
Inscription : 29 Déc 2005, 01:14

Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Kicket le 06 Mai 2010, 21:43

thx bwoi!

malheureusement, vu la qualité audio, c'est rippé direct depuis la page de Northern Ridaz j'imagine ? :? (c'est mieux que rien ceci dit...)
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Ultimate Rider (Admin)
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Mac of Mac & A.K. le 17 Juin 2010, 09:44

What do fam. This ya boy Mac from the Legendary group Mac & A.K. checkin in. We appreciate all the positive feedback on the music we've put out over the years. Thanks for all the support and love. We don't take that lightly, and feel blessed to know yall feelin us way on the other side of the globe. Stay in contact with us and look out for updates on both our myspace page ( and our soon to be updated web page ( I had to use a web based translator to be able to read your post, but I am amazed on how much knowledge you guys have on our music, from what group I was originally in (Black Jack), to where we recorded our music back in the day (Find-A-Way Studios) to who we used to play instruments on our music (G-Man Stan). I see you guys have a few misconceptions on where my sound came from but it's ok, as long as in the end yall dig the music. One day I'll give you guys more history on Mac & A.K. and how we even came to record out of that studio. I take nothing away from Sean T (a childhood friend of mine) or G-Man Stan, as they are both legends in the game who I'm proud to be associated with.

For an update, Because of the long ongoing demand, we just repressed Westbound (For Riders Only) and it will be available if anybody would like to order a copy. Also be on the look out for both albums "Westbound II" and "Only The Strong Survive" soon. Both albums are done and waiting to be mixed and mastered. the plan is to drop them on the same day some where in 2010. I'm gone it's like 1:48am in Killa Cali, but one love, and keep it 100... Mac Da Boss
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Mac of Mac & A.K.
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Message(s) : 10
Inscription : 17 Juin 2010, 08:47
Localisation : East Palo Alto, Ca.


Message par Mac of Mac & A.K. le 17 Juin 2010, 19:44

MAC & A.K. is in the building. This ya boy Mac from Mac & A.K. hittin up one time. First thing, Thank you for all the luv and support for Mac & A.K. and all of the artists from California in general. You guys are loyal fans and we really appreciate how you guys pay attention and have a ear for good music.

Next up, we just did our first official repress of Westbound (For Riders Only) and we need to get a listing of all the stores (online stores as well) in France that might be willing to restock this old classic on their shelves (All of our music is also available on I-Tunes). It looks like their might still be some interest in our music in France and we want to take full advantage of this if possible. It looks like Westbound was our most popular cd in France, and we are looking forward to eventually making our way over there to rock some shows for the fans. We were supposed to come out there to do a show a few years back, but it got canceled last minute.

Anyway, get at us and help us flood the streets with some old material and some new albums coming soon. We got two albums "Westbound II" and "Only The Strong Survive", dropping on the same day so be on the look out for that.

If anybody know artists that want to work/collab with Mac & A.K. or would like to get some production from myself, git at us by e-mail at or hit us on myspace at or check our website at (to updated soon).
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Mac of Mac & A.K.
Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 10
Inscription : 17 Juin 2010, 08:47
Localisation : East Palo Alto, Ca.


Message par Bouli le 17 Juin 2010, 23:16

What's goin' on Mac. We're blessed to have you here. It's really nice of you to go out of your way and personally reach out to your audience, especially considering your legendary status. I look forward to buying Westbound II and Only the Strong Survive, I had the chance to listen to the former project and I must admit that it's some vintage throwback music right here and it's a trip to think that your much anticipated album on Tommy Boy never got the chance to be properly released, it would have been an instant classic for sure.

I have one question though, was the song "Change" which dates back to 2008 released on any of your recent projects ? Cause I've been lookin for it but it was nowhere to be found. If no, is it going to be released on one of your upcoming projects ? That song was tight as fuck and I'd like to see more songs like that coming out nowadays.

Good thing you're staying visible 'cause u're definitely up there when it comes to bay area rap and it's always nice to see legends like you and Sean-T stay active. By the way, will u guys be collaborating in the near future, cause I havent heard of any Mac & AK/Sean-T collaboration in a while...
Oui, je suis communiste et un marxiste en plus, et je t'emmerde gros con, barres-toi fasciste pourri impuissant à la solde du patronnariat, et de l'impérialisme yankee. Casses-toi de chez moi gros porc, sale boche pourri va vendre ta lessive.
Untouchable Rider (Moderator)
Message(s) : 1902
Inscription : 27 Déc 2005, 21:44


Message par Mac of Mac & A.K. le 18 Juin 2010, 04:45

@ Bouli...

Good lookin out fam. We still on the grind so the only way to stay relevant is to make sure our fans have direct access to us. In this new age of music, artists and fans alike have to look at the game like it has no barriers or regions. The internet gives the fans and the artists alike a chance to engage and build strong relations and that's what we been about since the beginning of our careers. That's why I invite folks that's also on they grind to network with us so we all can get that forward movement we need. As for the fans, if you have any questions or need answers to some things you might not be clear on or just want to chop it up with us, feel free to git at us.

The song "Change" may be featured on the "Westbound II" album, but we haven't finalized the tracklist yet. We really just recorded that song to get some things off of our chest around the 2008 election year, but alot has happened since then, so we might have to record something new to fit the moment a lil better.

As for collaborations with us and Sean T, he will be one of the featured artists on the "Only The Strong Survive" project, so please keep your eyes peeled for those releases coming in the near future.

Mac of Mac & A.K.
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Mac of Mac & A.K.
Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 10
Inscription : 17 Juin 2010, 08:47
Localisation : East Palo Alto, Ca.


Message par ze0n le 18 Juin 2010, 14:39

Mac ! how U doin ? It's a pleasure to have you here right now.

Shop's open like EVERYDAY !!!!! Damn, this track is still bumpin in my car (Like the whole EP) :

''Keep yo eyez on your own stash
Hustle and Bubble on your own cash ''

I ain't got the time today to develop more, but damn it feels good to have you on the board, thanks for the answers regarding Bouli's question.
Jackpot !
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Untouchable Rider (Moderator)
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Message par Mac of Mac & A.K. le 18 Juin 2010, 15:31

@ Zeon...

I was just listening to "Shop's Open" this morning, and that still is my favorite song on that EP. Thanks for being a fan and supporting the movement.
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Mac of Mac & A.K.
Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 10
Inscription : 17 Juin 2010, 08:47
Localisation : East Palo Alto, Ca.

Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par FafKilla le 18 Juin 2010, 17:45

great to see you there! as you can see we all dig your music!!!! hope we can put a hand on a descent sound quality of drastic measure, and as u said in siccness forums, i cant wait to hear those 6-7 albums between 1995-2001, must be dat blast!!! bookmark our forum plizz this topic will be updated soon as the ogs of this forum will see your post, 1 last thing : WEST COAST 90s SOUND MUSIC IS DA BLAST KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK PEAAAAACE!!!
(...West Coast Gangsta Shit 4 Life West Side Will Never Die...)
R.I.P. Mr Troutman :(
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Mac of Mac & A.K. le 18 Juin 2010, 18:06

@ Faf Killa...

Thanks for reaching out to us. We definitely looking to remix and master Drastic Measures at some point, along with all of our others albums that never came out like Drastic Measures Pt. 2. We appreciate that our older material still has so much value to our fans and will do our best to get all of that music to the public at some point. Yall really missed out on some good music is all I gotta say.
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Mac of Mac & A.K.
Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 10
Inscription : 17 Juin 2010, 08:47
Localisation : East Palo Alto, Ca.

Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par GizoFizo le 25 Juin 2010, 12:04

Bienvenue a vous sur le forum

Je réalise pas trop que je suis entrain de parler a des gars qui ont sorti quelques missiles nucléraire a la bonne époque .... (mode fan off) :)

Cela me donne l'occasion de vous dire merci pour ces bons moments passé en compagnie de votre musique.

Juste un souhait si vous pouviez faire quelques choses pour "drastic mesure" car vraiment comme j'ai pu déjà le dire quel perte de pas voir sortir ce genre d'album en tous points parfait a mes oreilles :!:

A bientot sur le forum
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Mac of Mac & A.K. le 29 Juin 2010, 01:04

@ Gizo Fizo...
Thanks for the support fam. We deeply appreciate it, and dig that you are feelin our music. Trust me, as soon as we can get away from some of these new projects, we will try and bring that Drastic Measures to the public. We learned alot recording that album since it was our first project as a group, so we will do what we got to do to make it available to the public.
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Mac of Mac & A.K.
Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 10
Inscription : 17 Juin 2010, 08:47
Localisation : East Palo Alto, Ca.

Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par GizoFizo le 01 Juil 2010, 13:34

Merci pour votre réponse.

Voyant que vous faisiez votre apparition sur le forum pour fêter ça je me suis remis vos albums + blackjack (no love aie aie) et j'ai aussi resortie la track que vous aviez faite sur la compilation "HEAT 2" quelle ambiance vraiment parfaite :!:
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Gold Rider
Message(s) : 404
Inscription : 05 Nov 2006, 14:03
Localisation : 91

Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Mac of Mac & A.K. le 01 Juil 2010, 16:59

No problem fam. is a good site for fans to interact with their favorite groups in the hip hop Game.
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Mac of Mac & A.K.
Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 10
Inscription : 17 Juin 2010, 08:47
Localisation : East Palo Alto, Ca.

Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Kicket le 05 Juil 2010, 19:47

bon après voir vu ça avec Mac, ya moyen de récup' un ptit stock de la repress officielle de "Westbound" : 10€ pièce + fdp. des intéressés ? au moins une dizaine de personnes quoi, histoire que ça vaille le coup.
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Ultimate Rider (Admin)
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Inscription : 24 Déc 2005, 17:53
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par The Untouchable le 05 Juil 2010, 20:41

Tu as vu mon point de vue sur FB.
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The Untouchable
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Kicket le 06 Juil 2010, 00:44

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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Monsieur Patel le 06 Juil 2010, 04:33

Ca peut m'intéresser aussi, ça s'passe comment du coup?
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Monsieur Patel
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Ese A.V. le 06 Juil 2010, 07:54

La même, ça m'intéresse 8)
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Re: Mac & A.K. (E.P.A.)

Message par Kicket le 06 Juil 2010, 10:03

ça s'passe que dès que j'ai au moins une dizaine d'acheteurs potentiels, je passe commande auprès du groupe pour ajouter le EP au 187 Store... après, c'est comme d'hab'... le but étant de pouvoir le mettre en vente à 10€ pièce histoire que ça soit pas abusé tout en margeant un minimum dessus (normal)... :wink:
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Ultimate Rider (Admin)
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Inscription : 24 Déc 2005, 17:53
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