Tec-9 - Straight From Tha Ramp (1995, New Orleans, LA)

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Tec-9 - Straight From Tha Ramp (1995, New Orleans, LA)

Message par boi-dan_boi-dan le 12 Déc 2007, 01:29

Tec-9 - Straight From the Ramp


1. Cash Money T. V.
2. Where Ya From
3. Riding High
4. Bounty Hunter
5. Flexin
6. Loose Lips, Sank Ships
7. Who's That Nigga
8. Straight From Tha Ramp
9. Uptown, Uptown
10. They All Die
11. Local 580 Burn Em Like A Bitch

Tec-9 1/3 of the legendary group UNLV. (Tec-9, Lil' Ya' Yella Boy R.I.P.)

For the most part Straight From The Ramp is a pretty solid release. A New Orleans gansta' classic. However, like some of Cash Money's pre-Universal releases some of the production on this albums blantantly uses Dr. Dre/Death Row's earlier style. For example the title cut is a clear rip-off of one of Snoop's earlier songs. The production on this album symbolizes New Orleans early hip-hop stage when the NO's non-bounce album's idenity was beginning and not yet set in stone. The Death Row sound which was extremely popular at the time is seen throughout this album. One of the more New Orlean-ish songs is 'Uptown, Uptown' which uses the Second Line/Mardi Gras like chant. However, even with all the aforementioned said, this album is not to be "shrugged off." This is definatly a New Orleans classic. Flip through the three tracks I uploaded -> Unquestionalbe, classic material...... Upbeat, bouncy, gangsta tunes.
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Tourist Rider
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Inscription : 07 Déc 2007, 20:01
Localisation : Sailin' The South

Tec-9 - Straight From Tha Ramp (1995, New Orleans, LA)



Message par A-Dubb le 12 Déc 2007, 11:24

This songs are pretty good. La cover est terrible
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Message par boi-dan_boi-dan le 12 Déc 2007, 16:29

Also note the title cut was one of Baby's first verses. He was known as B-32 at the time. Additionally, 'Where Ya' From' is notable b/c of its participation in the beef between UNLV/Cash Money vs. Partners N Crime/Big Boy Records.

A-Dubb a écrit:This songs are pretty good. La cover est terrible

Yeah, this was 1995, pre-Universal Cash Money. The bigger budgets for the Pen & Pixel masterpieces would come later. But fuck it, it's a big step-up from the previous UNLV releases.
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Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 41
Inscription : 07 Déc 2007, 20:01
Localisation : Sailin' The South

Message par A-Dubb le 12 Déc 2007, 19:27

Yeah it's cheap but I mean I really like this cover, that's just gangsta
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Message par boi-dan_boi-dan le 13 Déc 2007, 02:00

^^^ Oh, ok terrible in French must be similar to wicked or bad in English. I though you were saying it was horrible.

Cool, cool, cool
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Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 41
Inscription : 07 Déc 2007, 20:01
Localisation : Sailin' The South

Message par Kicket le 13 Déc 2007, 05:24

eheh, welcome to french idiomatic expressions mayne... :lol:

"terrible" here can be translated by "awesome" or "huge", nawmean?

anyway, thx for the great songs (dont really feel the "Uptown Uptown" track tho, lol) and thx for the great topics (just wish every members could post the same, loool)
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Message par boi-dan_boi-dan le 13 Déc 2007, 18:05

^^^ :) Yeah, I'll catch on pretty soon....

But I'm going to chill on the topics for a while and let the respondres flow in.
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Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 41
Inscription : 07 Déc 2007, 20:01
Localisation : Sailin' The South

Message par Big_Doe le 15 Déc 2007, 19:50

It's such a pleasure to see someone speaking english, fed up of French.^^
Anyway another tights lots of songs you've posted, and the cover is so gangsta, it's just great. Thanx again for the discovery.
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Inscription : 04 Déc 2007, 22:58

Message par Kicket le 17 Déc 2007, 06:35

Big_Doe a écrit:It's such a pleasure to see someone speaking english, fed up of French.^^

t'as voulu dire quoi là ? parce que "c'est un tel plaisir de voir quelqu'un parler anglais, fatigué du français", je saisis pas trop... :roll: :lol:
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Ultimate Rider (Admin)
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Inscription : 24 Déc 2005, 17:53
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Message par Big_Doe le 17 Déc 2007, 06:41

Ouai moi ca me fait plaisir d'échanger quelques posts en anglais, c'est tout.
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Inscription : 04 Déc 2007, 22:58

Message par Kicket le 17 Déc 2007, 06:43

ah ok c'est toi qui es saoûlé du français... la formulation de ta phrase prêtait à confusion, my bad... :wink:
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Ultimate Rider (Admin)
Message(s) : 9127
Inscription : 24 Déc 2005, 17:53
Localisation : Courbish

Re: Tec-9 - Straight From Tha Ramp (1995, New Orleans, LA)

Message par Primo le 18 Mai 2008, 10:48

très bon skeud de NOLA oui, les tracks Ridin High, Bounty Killer sont magnifiques. Il est trouvable pour presque rien en ce moment, il coûtait 25 billets il y a quelques mois, là il est moitié moins cher, il ne faut pas hésiter...
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Localisation : 91 Nord mais le Sud quand même

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