Rhyme God - Rhymez N Bitchez (2007, Celje, Slovénie)

Rap français et international.

Rhyme God - Rhymez N Bitchez (2007, Celje, Slovénie)

Message par RECOGNIZE187 le 16 Déc 2007, 01:35

yo..what's good? im new!!

check my shit!! i released my album this year...gangsta shit!!

check tha track gangsta muzika on my profile (means gangsta muzic)


Dernière édition par RECOGNIZE187 le 19 Déc 2007, 00:22, édité 1 fois.
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Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : 16 Déc 2007, 01:31

Rhyme God - Rhymez N Bitchez (2007, Celje, Slovénie)



Message par Kicket le 17 Déc 2007, 07:40

Gangsta Rap from Slovenia? sounds interesting!!

could you please drop further info's (bio's and shit!) so people from the board get to know you better?
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Message par RECOGNIZE187 le 19 Déc 2007, 00:28

yea man..g funk from slovenia 8)

well,i was born in slovenia (fucked up country LOL )...started with hip hop when i was 4 years old (i have an older brotha,so the only music i heard was rap LOL)..was influenced by ice-t,nwa,eazy e and so on!so i fell in love with tha west coast sound!

been rappin since 1994...did a lot of demos,had a few groups...but now i'm a solo artist...and released my album in 2007...independent...real gangsta rap album!
I also rap in english...
here in Slovenia not a lot of people like this music...so i have a lot of haterz + !im the only one here doin that real gangsta shit...

I don't know about next projects,coz i don't have a record deal,and it takes a lot of money for the studio and everything...so i don't know!
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Tourist Rider
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : 16 Déc 2007, 01:31


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